Combat Systema
Here at Sage Martial Arts we teach a number of different styles of martial arts. Through many years of training, research, and study of techniques and aspects of many different styles, we have combined our knowledge and experience to develop a 'system' that is easily teachable and trainable.
In a short period of time, the student can grasp the overall view of a vast array of martial arts techniques. Moving gracefully at slower speeds, with an emphasis on relaxation and control, one can safely practice complex, dangerous, and difficult techniques with ease. Building on basics, discovering, transforming, and creating is the goal, and this in turn will enable the knowledge of an infinite variety of viable combat responses – instead of deciphering which technique the opponent will attack with and then deciding on the appropriate response from a very limited repertoire, one becomes 'free' to simply listen and respond with almost any movement.
Choose to live by choice not by chance.
- Miyamoto Musashi
Being exposed to constantly changing and unpredictable combat situations, the student develops the ability to spontaneously respond. This 'thinking on your feet' skill increases confidence and improves the ability to creatively respond to the unknown. Combat can be viewed as a direct function of consciousness. The more one is relaxed and in a higher state of consciousness the more complex, sophisticated movements one can choose to use. The more stress and excitement one has, therefore the lower the state of consciousness, the more primordial the movements must be.
Life is ever changing, there is always one more step to take. We train in such a way to enable the student to absorb knowledge, contemplate on truths and apply these with wisdom.
In this relaxed, non-competitive, yet non-cooperative, environment all ages, health conditions, and experience can train.
Combat Systema is derived from a Russian martial art and is a complete real-world defensive system, not a sport. As such it is taught, quite naturally, alongside our own 'system'. It is used by law enforcement, security professionals and military practitioners around the world. Combat Systema training will allow you to increase your physical stamina, rehabilitate injuries, and bolster your psychological resolve, amongst other things. It has a scientific basis and teaches the principles of structure and motion in order to control any attacker. You will learn to recognize 'warning signs' to help you detect danger before it erupts, how to strategically avoid it whenever possible and how to maximize your survival odds if it cannot be avoided. You will also be given an understanding of essential biomechanics in order to achieve the highest level of efficiency of movement and maximization of strengths. How to effectively use a stick, knife and gun, how to turn everyday items into weapons, and how to use your environment to your advantage are all part of this real-life defense system.
The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.
- Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
*Thorin Blanco of Sage Martial Arts has been certified to teach Combat Systema by Kevin Secours at The International Combat Systema Association
Combat Systema is dedicated to the scientific resolution of violence:
We give students an understanding of essential biomechanics so they can achieve the highest level of efficiency in their own movement and maximize their strengths and strengthen injuries and weaknesses
We will provide you with the principles of structure and motion you need to control any attacker
We dissect aggression down to its psychological essence. You will learn the warning signs to help you detect danger before it can erupt, how to strategically avoid it whenever possible and how to maximize your survival odds if it can't be avoided.
We are a complete combat system. You will learn how to strike and kick, escape from any hold, ground fighting, throws and takedowns, locks, defense against knife, gun, stick and strangulation with rope and much more.
You will learn how to effectively use a stick, knife and gun and how to turn everyday items into weapons and how to use your environment to your advantage.
You will increase your physical stamina, rehabilitate injuries, and bolster your psychological resolve.
We are a real world defensive system and not a sport. We will teach you how to protect yourselves and your loved ones. Our logo represents the fires of pressure testing--the forge in which we constantly hammer out our fears, improve our physical and psychological being and refine our skills. Our approach is being used by law enforcement, security professionals and military practitioners around the world.